I have heard about Adobe acquiring Macromedia Dreamweaver. But it's a bit strange when I heard someone referred to Dreamweaver as Adobe Dreamweaver. What about you? Do you say Adobe Dreamweaver or Macromedia Dreamweaver?
Adobe Dreamweaver 8 (formerly known as Macromedia Dreamweaver)
Dreamweaver 8 is the professional choice for building web sites and applications. It provides a powerful combination of visual layout tools, application development features, and code editing support, enabling developers and designers at every skill level to create visually appealing, standardsbased sites and applications quickly. From leading support for CSS-based design to hand-coding features, Dreamweaver provides the tools professionals need in an integrated, streamlined environment. Developers can use Dreamweaver with the server technology of their choice to build powerful Internet applications that connect users to databases, live data feeds, and legacy systems.
[tags]dreamweaver, macromedia, adobe[/tags]