A while ago, I wrote eZ Publish extensions for Flickr and YouTube. Basically, you pass a keyword/tag you'd like to search to template operator and it will return a list of photos (and videos if you are using YouTube template operator) matching the criteria. You can also set total number of results to return. All you need is your API application key/developer id from Flickr and YouTube.
Since I am already confusing everyone and myself, here's a visual to help you understand better.
Will be sharing them on eZ Publish contributions once I know how to do so.
[tags]ezpublish, ez publish, extension, flickr, youtube[/tags]
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I’m exactly lookinkg for these extensions. I couldn’t find anything on ez.no. Is it possible to download them or get from you in any way?
Hi Pommes, I will try to upload the extensions onto eZ publish repository and let you know when they are available for download.
Thank you, this would be great.
Hi Pommes, you can now find the download links at https://eisabainyo.net/weblog/2007/08/24/ez-publish-extensions-for-flickr-and-youtube-download/