The above pixel art describes web 2.0 perfectly.
I spotted the following logos/web 2.0 brands:
- TechCrunch
- WordPress
- Flickr
- Skype
- YouTube
- eboy
- Boing Boing
- Rollyo
- odeo
- Blogger
- Technorati
- AdBrite
- gtalk
- Newsvine
- Backpackâ„¢ (37signals)
- Amazon
- Ask
- 43 Folders
- Digg
- Yahoo!
- Zoho
Did I miss anything? My eyes are about to pop out so help me make the list complete, please?
The pixel art is called FooBar and all credits go to the creator - eboy (such a talented pixel artist). If you like it, you can purchase it as a poster at eboy shop.
[tags]design, web 2.0, web-20, pixel art, pixel, art[/tags]
Here’s a few more I spotted:
Make: Blog
Laughing Squid
Textmate (not a web 2.0 company though)
Just try to smile for about 2-3 mins then you can get back to work