The following CSS selectors are considered workarounds and hacks for specific web browsers.
IE 6 and below
* html {}
IE 7 and below
*:first-child+html {} * html {}
IE 7 only
*:first-child+html {}
IE 7 and modern browsers only
html>body {}
Modern browsers only (not IE 7)
html>/**/body {}
Recent Opera versions 9 and below
html:first-child {}
Source: CSS Hacks
If you want to add 5px padding to a div element called #comments
specifically for IE 7, then you can use the following hack:
*:first-child+html #comments {
padding: 5px;
But if you want to apply the padding just for IE 6, then the following will do the trick:
* html #comments {
padding: 5px;
Note that CSS Hacks are not recommended due to their dependence on browser bugs and therefore they should only be used as the last resort.
A more comprehensive article on CSS Hacks can be found here.
[tags]css hacks, hacks, css, browsers compatibility, design, front-end[/tags]