Hitwise weblog told us that those aged 55+ represents the largest share of UK Internet visits.
"Those aged 55+ represented 22.0% of UK visits to all categories of websites in the four weeks to 12th May 2007, up 54% since 2005 and 40% since 2006. This compares to 23.5% of Internet visits from 35-44 year olds", says Heather Hopkins.
Which websites do they frequent? Here's the answer.
Among the top categories visited by those aged 55+, Search Engines, Adult and Shopping & Classifieds are the favourites, and are consistent with the most visited categories overall.
It was an interesting figure. I have always thought 20-35 year olds would dominate the market because people in that age group are more computer literature and web savvy. What did you think? Were you surprised to learn that people of aged 55 and above are the largest group of online visitors?
Source: 54% Increase put Silver Surfers at cusp of being largest group online