
And so they are considered newsworthy

I had a chance to catch up with the Internet this evening so I thought I'd share with you what I consider newsworthy.

1. Technorati has revamped their website and categorised blog posts into 6 main sections - Business, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Politics, Sports and Technology.
2. Google, the mother of all search engines, was feeling generous and released the fastest growing search terms and end-of-year Zeitgeist report (Australian) for 2007.
3. Google joined the hype and optimised itself for iPhone
4. You can now remove red eyes (or do any other editing for that matter) from your photos directly on Flickr!
5. Google street view is coming to town (literally)
6. A wood iPhone cover. Yes, really!
7. OpenID 2.0 is finally here and it is expected to decrease development time by up to 30-40%
8. Yahoo! 2007 Top Trends in Search - "...a fascinating portrait of a culture on the brink..."
9. Are you a good catch? 25 Skills Every Man Should Know
10. And last but not least, what we can expect from HTML 5
[tags]news, feeds, www, internet[/tags]
