
Domains hosted on the same server

If you want to find out what other domains are hosted on the same shared server as your own, the following steps will come in handy.

  1. Get the IP address of your domain name (One way to find out the IP address is ping the domain name from a Command Prompt)
  2. Go to Live Search website
  3. Type IP:x.x.x.x in the search box and Enter (Replace x.x.x.x with the actual IP Address you got from Step 1)
  4. The search result will display all the websites/domains that are hosted on the same IP address as your domain.

[tags]websites, hosting, domains, networking, shared IP address[/tags]

One thought on “Domains hosted on the same server

  1. this is a good way to do reverse check, i am looking on google and yahoo search method

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