Yahoo Pipes has been on Technorati Top Searches for a week and the buzz doesn't seem to be dying down anytime soon. I personally love mashups so I thought I'd share a few of my favourites with you all.
Hot deal search - Find the hottest deals on something
Flickrme - Find photos of things related to search results of your name MP3s for a band - Find mp3s of a band bookmarked on
Web 2.0 / AJAX Monitor - What people are saying about web 2.0 and ajax
RemoteFreelanceWebDeveloper - Freelance Web Developer positions available worldwide
And, when you are there, don't forget to check out my pipes.
[tags]yahoo, yahoo pipes, ajax, web 2.0, delicious, mp3s, flickr, mashup, deals, career, job, web developer, freelance[/tags]