A while ago, I wrote a post about my eZ Publish extensions for Flickr and YouTube. I have been meaning to upload them onto official eZ publish repository but didn't really get to doing it until I received a comment a few days ago which reads, "I'm exactly looking for these extensions. I couldn't find anything on ez.no. Is it possible to download them or get from you in any way?"
Therefore, may I present you:
Flickr tag search
This extension uses Flickr API to talk to Flickr database. Basically, you pass a keyword/tag you'd like to search to the template operator and it will return a list of photos. It provide a template operator and you can call it from any template after the extension is enabled.
@param string $api_key your unique api key provided by Flickr
@param string $tag keyword that you wish to search for, eg: dream
@param integer $per_page the total number of results to return eg: 10
Youtube tag search
This extension uses YouTube API to talk to YouTube database. Basically, you pass a keyword/tag you'd like to search to the template operator and it will return a list of matching videos. It provides a template operator which you can call from any template after the extension is enabled.
@param string $dev_id your unique developer ID provided by YouTube
@param string $tag keyword that you wish to search for, eg: dream
@param integer $per_page the total number of results to return eg: 10
Special thanks to Kristof Coomans at eZ Publish for creating an account for me and Pommes for asking about the extensions.
As if you have anything to do with eZ Publish any more!
These extension are what i have been looking for. But I am not sure how to enables these extesions. Could you provide some help.
You totaly forgot the main one here:
It knows all native YouTube video formats: HD, MP4, FLV, 3GP videos, multiple simultaneous downloads, preview video, auto start download, skip already downloaded files, clipboard monitoring, drag & drop from IE / Firefox, proxy support, etc. Program size only 39Kb!!
I use it a lot!