var input = "hello222"; var ok = false; var dob_regex = /^([0-9]){2}(\/){1}([0-9]){2}(\/)([0-9]){4}$/; // DD/MM/YYYY var email_regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]{2,4}$/; // email address var username_regex = /^[\w.-]+$/; // allowed characters: any word . -, ( \w ) represents any word character (letters, digits, and the underscore _ ), equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_] var num_regex = /^\d+$/; // numeric digits only var search_regex = "/hello/"; var password_regex = /^[A-Za-z\d]{6,8}$/; // any upper/lowercase characters and digits, between 6 to 8 characters in total var phone_regex = /^\(\d{3]\) \d{3}-\d{4}$/; // (xxx) xxx-xxxx var question_regex = /\?$/; // ends with a question mark
1. Check that there are at least 3 numeric characters in input
if ( input.match(/d/g) == null ) { ok = false; } else if ( input.match(/d/g).length < 3 ) { ok = false; } else { ok = true; }
2. Check that the input has a minimum of 8 characters
if ( input.length >= 8 ) { ok = true; }
3. Check that the input is in a correct date format (DD/MM/YYYY)
if ( dob_regex.test(input) ) { ok = true; }
4. Check that the input is in a correct email format (
if ( email_regex.test(input) ) { ok = true; }
5. Check that the input matches the specified username format
if ( username_regex.test(input) ) { ok = true; }
6. Check that the input contains only numeric characters
if ( input.match(num_regex) ) { ok = true; }
7. Search for a specific word in the input
if ( != -1 ) { ok = true; }
8. Check that the input matches the specified password format
if ( input.match(password_regex) ) { ok = true; }
9. Check that the input matches the specified phone number format
if ( input.match(phone_regex) ) { ok = true; }
10. Check that the input is a question (ends with a question mark)
if ( question_regex.test(input) ) { ok = true; }
To test the Regular Expressions (RegEx) mentioned in this blog, you can use this tool.
How about putting those in a function so that when submitted or entered you can run validatePassword(password) rather than running though it all functionally.
im not understand about that!!
i need validation input numeric and symbol no alphabet…. please!!