
WordPress Themes

The following WordPress 2.0 Themes are now available for download.


Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

To see each theme in action, go here.

[tags]WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress Layouts, WordPress 2.0, Blog Designs[/tags]

14 thoughts on “WordPress Themes

  1. Greenie looks weird at Opera9b (Windows XP). Content pushes out to the dark zone.

  2. Looks fine to me in Opera. Can you please email me a screenshot and I will see what I can do about it?

  3. “Cherry Blossom” is so great!

    I’m a chinese and I like your style:)

  4. sorry to trouble you again.

    but could you please tell me which plugin “Cherry Blossom” support?


  5. Hi wyh, “Cherry Blossom” is a wordpress 2.0 theme and it should be able to support any plugins for wp 2.0.

  6. I love the Greenie template and am using it – but can’t get my statcounter code to work – any clues would be greatly appreciated. I have installed the statcounter plugin and the code is in the footer above the /body code.

  7. Hi Kathie, I have no idea why your statcounter code wasn’t working. Try putting it in sidebar.php and see if that works.

  8. I’ve got the counter working. For some reason the edit function for the pages is not editable and so I had to access the footer.php file via the file manager online but was able to insert the code and it’s now working. Thank you.

  9. cool theme!
    tnx u (:
    i m going to try it for my blog

  10. Hi.
    Good design, who make it?

  11. I’m using one of it now.
    I like it simple. =)

  12. Hi!

    I would like extend my SQL experience.
    I red really many SQL resources and would like to
    read more about SQL for my occupation as mysql database manager.

    What can you recommend?


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