
My favourite Mac and iPod wallpapers

After seeing iTheme, I am more into Mac than I ever was before. (Don't get me wrong, I think both Mac and PC are great, but I am more familiar with PC because that is what I use everyday.) When I saw a post titled 30 Nicest Apple, MacOS and iPod Wallpapers on digg, I couldn't help but click on the link. My personal favourites are:

Mac Wallpaper
An apple a day

Mac Wallpaper
The iPod

Mac Wallpaper
The evolution X

Mac Wallpaper
Equals to digg

Mac Wallpaper
iPod Actually

[tags]wallpapers, ipod, design, apple, mac os, apple, mac[/tags]

6 thoughts on “My favourite Mac and iPod wallpapers

  1. of course imac walls look very slick

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