Web Development Blog

7 Days Traffic Building Exercise – Day 3

Day 3: Give away something for free

Everybody loves freebies! So on Day 3, we decided to give something away for free. The best products to give away are usually digital products because it doesn't require you to go through the hassle of organising a courier and instant delivery is guaranteed. And if you have the right type of product, you can give away the same product to as many people as you want without increasing the cost to produce or devaluing the product.

We gave away a free WordPress Theme. It is not compulsory to give away something that is related to the topic of your blog but it is recommended for an obvious reason - the target audience. For example, if you have a shopping blog, you might want to give away coupon codes, and if you are a designer, you might want to give away free icons. In order to ensure that we get as much traffic as possible for the free WordPress Theme, we talked about it on a few social networking sites.

Other digital products that you could give away are:

- e-books
- Plugins
- Widgets
- Ad spaces
- Websites
- Designs
- Photoshop brushes
- Services (eg: website review, SEO service, copywriting service)
- Web hosting
- Domain names
- Coupon codes
- Free reports
- Your original music

Time Spent: 1 hour *

* Note that this doesn't include the theme design and development time because we have already got the theme designed and developed a while ago for one of our websites, Website Templates.

Read how it all started: 7 Days Traffic Building Exercise
