Online Distribution Channels
One of the importance of any website or business is to bring your products or services to the right people and to reach the target audience. There are a number of different distribution channels available on the Internet which could be utilisied efficiently to the benefits of your website. We have watched and witnessed the growth of the Internet over the recent years and while everyone knows the traditional online distribution channels such as newsletters, and electronic press releases, it is time to have a look at some unconventional channels of distribution on the web.
Whether you're a maker, content creator, business owner, side hustler, influencer, or thought leader, The Creator System will help you stay organised and on track. You no longer need to rely solely on your motivation or inspiration to get things done. Once you know which online distribution channel you want to focus on, put together a plan using The Creator System to help you achieve your goals.
1. Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
The current trend of the Internet is social interactions, and the trend is here to stay for a while. Multi-million corporations are in the hunt to acquire popular social networking sites because they understand the potential and the impact social networking has on Internet users. Treating social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn as your distribution channels mean reaching to more people and increasing awareness of your website.
2. Social media (YouTube, Pinterest, Podcasts)
As with social networks and social bookmarks, social media has become increasingly popular among Internet users for the same reasons. Using a social media like YouTube or Pinterest as a medium to promote your business could bring a lot of traffics to your website. In an official Press Release about an agreement between CBS and YouTube, it was said that "Today's agreement demonstrates that YouTube has become a revenue-generating distribution channel for major networks and other media companies. By partnering with YouTube, media companies can now have a two-way dialogue with viewers who can provide feedback about what they find entertaining."
Note: The key difference between social networks and social media is that on the social networks, your goal should be collaboration and conversations (two-sided), whereas, on social media, your goal should be to educate or share information (mostly one-sided).
3. Blogs
Blogs are popular because they provide up-to-date information and enables readers to engage in discussions via comments. By using blogs as a distribution channel, businesses can build a loyal readership and interact with their customer base. If writing isn't your forte, check out my blog post templates to help combat writer’s block and produce engaging and well-structured blog posts quickly and easily!
4. Apps
Apps deliver dynamic and updated information to the users at any time, right at their fingertips. They create new opportunities, extend users, and strengthen the presence of your brand. And for that very reason, apps have proven to be a very successful method of distribution. Today, 1.85 million different apps are available for users to download and there is an app for every category.
5. Browser extensions
Browser extensions such as customised search engine, add-ons, and toolbars provide users with an easy access to your website and the functionalities that it offers instantly from their favourite browser. It is an effective distribution channel for both the business and end users as it maximizes access and visibility for both parties.
6. Search engines
According to a survey conducted in 1998 by Georgia Institute of Technology, 85% of users found websites through search engines. While many believe that "if you build it, they will come", the truth is, they can only come when they know about it. Therefore, the power of search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) should be used to drive targeted and qualified traffic to your website and improve the visibility of your business. Search engines have the power to make or break a business.
7. Content marketing
Writing good content related to your product or service on these platforms also help:
- Quora
- Indie Hackers
- Subreddit
- Hacker news
- Medium
- Product Hunt (launch)
8. Software products (ie: if you have a SaaS business)
- Find Better Software Alternatives
- Crowdsourced Software Recommendations
- Software Reviews
- App recommendation
- The Independent Software Marketplace
- Reviews on tech stacks
- B2B network of tech companies
Action to improve your business result via distribution channels
Tick all the distribution channels that you're using:
Your result
If you're using 0 - 2, you need to seriously start upping your game.
If you're using 3, you might consider adding one or two more to see a better result.
If you are using 4 - 6, you are good! Think about picking 2 main channels to optimise further.
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